
Non-pasteurized Blueberry Cream Honey (Final Sale)

Wildly Canadian Meet the Maker: Wildly Canadian

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The great taste of Wildly Canadian™ Non-pasteurized Honey with the delicious addition of blueberry!

Health benefits in every spoonful of Wildly Canadian™ Non-pasteurized Honey:

  • Great natural source of carbohydrates which provides strength and energy to our bodies
  • Antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve your digestive system and keep you healthy
  • Honey is nature's energy booster! Spread some on your toast or replace the sugar in your tea for a quick boost!
  • Soothes sore throats and can also kill certain types of bacteria that cause infection
  • Combination of fructose and glucose in honey helps the body regulate blood sugar levels

Wildly Canadian™ honey products are non-pasteurized, which means all of nature's goodness and antioxidants are maintained!

Weight 340g

Made by Wildly Canadian in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

2% of all sales will help to #CraftChange.

Type: Food - Honey