Transport yourself to the rolling lavender fields of Provence with this enchanting French lavender Bouquet. Each bouquet captures the essence of this iconic bloom, boasting vibrant purple hues and delicate floral fragrance. Sourced from the finest lavender farms, these bundles evoke a sense of rustic elegance and natural beauty. Whether adorning your home with a touch of French countryside charm or gifted to a loved one for a moment of relaxation and serenity, our French Lavender Bouquet is a timeless treasure to be cherished..
Perfect for adding charm to any space, these mini bouquets are versatile accents for tabletops, shelves, or spruce up a desk.
With their everlasting beauty, they make a thoughtful gift or a timeless addition to any decor collection.
Dimensions are approx. 15" to 17" high by 3" to 4" wide.
Made by Capital Florist in Ottawa, Ontario
Because this item is handcrafted, slight variations are to be expected and admired.
2% of all sales help to #CraftChange
Type: Home - Other Decor
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