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#CraftChange Partners: Helping With Furniture

We are proud to announce that HWF will be our #CraftChange Partner for the months of July to September 2018. During these months, Maker House Co. will donate 2% of all sales to Helping With Furniture in order to support the investment of a second van to allow for 50% more deliveries.

HWF collects and delivers donated furniture, household items, decor, toys, toolboxes, bikes and even laptops to families in need or in distress in Ottawa. These include refugees, newcomers, people leaving shelters or abusive situations, and people struggling with mental illness or at risk of homelessness. Since 2005, HWF has furnished more than 1490 homes in Ottawa! In addition during 2016 HWF helped to furnish 90 Syrian refugee family homes.

Learn more about HWF by visiting their website or by watching this short video profile from CTV News.