Do you love giving cards but worry about the waste left behind in the greeting card industry? Mountain Mornings' plantable seed cards are zero waste cards that keep giving! Give a card that leaves no waste for the planet and makes the world more beautiful! The cards are made with post-consumer paper, so no tree is needed for production. The cards are embedded with wildflower seeds so the recipient can plant the paper in a pot of soil. The paper will compost away, and the seeds will grow. All that’s left behind is a pot of freshly grown wildflowers!
Front of card reads "Good Luck With Your New Adventure!"
The inside is left blank for you to add your own personal touch.
Card size: 4.25" x 5.5"
Made by Mountain Mornings in Burnaby, BC.
2% of all sales help to #CraftChange
Type: Cards - Congratulations
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