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Your Handmade Holiday Gift Guide Has Arrived

November 16, 2017

Remember the good ol’ days when the Sears Christmas Wish Book would arrive on our doorstep?

It was roughly 10cm think and weighed more than a brick. Not a moment was wasted in tearing through the plastic wrap, and hours were spent flipping through the pages with that fresh “magazine-smell.” Each family member would take turns carefully scanning the pages, circling what they hoped Santa would bring them.

Here at Maker House, we want to bring some of that nostalgia back, in our own way. We're excited to introduce our first ever Wish Book for 2017, showing our best made-in-Canada gift ideas for:

And we made it super EASY to track your favorites! Forget the pens, notepads and reminders. Our new Wish List feature allows you to create your very own personalized Maker House wish list.

You can also enter (until 11/23) to win $150 to spend in store or online, from our friend and Ottawa ambassador Amy in 613. She's so excited about the Wish Book, that she wrote a hilarious and nostalgiac blog about it, where you can join this great contest!

We hope our first edition of the Wish Book helps you find some of those special handmade items while simplifying the process. So you can spend more time with family and friends, indulging in treats, and enjoying your locally crafted gifts.

Happy holidays from the entire Maker House team! 

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