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From Seeds to Storage Cubbies: Maker House's Guide to Spring

Spring is a time of renewal, growth, and fresh starts. The first day of spring, March 20th, is a celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of a new season! At Maker House, we believe that the first day of spring is the perfect time to start thinking about new projects and new adventures.

Strawberry Starter Kit

If you're looking for ways to embrace the spirit of spring, we have a wide selection of products that can help you jump-start your spring garden! Our seed kits, made by Mano Verde and Seracon Eco-Culture in Montreal, are perfect for those who want to start their own gardens or add a touch of green to their homes. These kits include everything you need to start growing your own herbs, vegetables, or flowers and are a great way to get in touch with nature.

A collection of Seed Bombs sits below the packages of seed bombs, made by Heritage Bee Co.

For those who want to bring a touch of the outdoors to their communities, we have Seed Bombs containing native Ontario wildflowers made by Heritage Bee Co. in Mulmur. These seed bombs are a fun and easy way to spread wildflowers in your community while helping to support pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Seracon's Sugar Maple Tree Kit

If you're looking for something more long-term, our Sugar Maple Tree kit from Seracon is a great investment in your community and the environment. These kits include everything you need to grow your own sugar maple tree, which can provide shade, beauty, and even maple syrup for years to come.

Spring is also a time of cleaning and decluttering, with plenty of products that can help you get organized and refresh your space, Maker House is your one-stop shop to rejuvenate your home! From our Storage Cubbies and Ladder Shelves from Springwater Woodcraft, to our selection of cleaning supplies, Springing forward has never been easier! Additionally, check out our collocations of Canadian-made and locally-produced furniture, homewares, and foods; the perfect way to add some springtime charm to your home.

So, whether you're starting a new garden, planting a tree, or refreshing your space, Maker House Co. has everything you need to make the most of the first day of spring. Let's embrace the spirit of renewal and growth and start the new season off right. Happy Spring!


Written with the help of Chat-GPT. 

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